Friday, December 23, 2016

Ting Skin & Laser Clinic Experience

After fighting with my pimple for 3 years, I am finally come to visit skin specialist for the very first in my life time. 

To be honest, I had tried almost 80% of the product found at pharmacy. My conclusion is not product issue but something wrong inside my body, so I started to eat clean, exercise more, cut sugar and sea shell food. Still, it doesn’t have any change. Then, I adding for myself to take vitamins like fish oil, evening primrose oil, vitamin C, milk thistle, and so on which could be possible detox liver, detox lung, balance hormones or whatever but nothing happen after months. In these 3 years of changing products, changing lifestyle the only thing change on my face is getting more and more serious day by day. I even go and “ask god” on last month, drinking the “burnt” water. Oh god, I think I am way too desperate? No, I am not, but my mom is trying her best to let her daughter have a pretty face, I am always telling mom pimples is the signature of “young people”. HAHAHAH!! What a joke, just to make myself and my mom feel good at it..

Part 1 Visiting Dr Ting Skin Specialist

So, not long ago, I receive a Ting Skin & Laser Clinic name card from an uncle saying this particular doctor is very pro in treating acne. His daughter only visit once and got recover very quick, he told me that I must make appointment first if not will need to wait for very long. I tried to call up during 3rd of December but Dr Ting is on leave until 6th. Anyway, I just try my luck by walk in on 8th December, I reached here by 10 am on Thursday morning. I got no. 17, the receptionist told me to wait for 1-2 hours but ended up I am waiting for more than 3 hours to reach my turn. The receptionist doesn’t as bad as how those customers review, in fact they are really busy, you just have to be patient or go for shopping at Times Square or Lot 10 nearby.

Dr Ting is an old man that looks like 60++ with a bold tie. The conversation start like this: 

Ting: What is your problem?

Me: Hehe, pimples lo.. *pointing my face*

By looking at my face, Dr Ting told me that my case is very serious and ask whether how long is my pimples grow like this. I answered 3 years, but it is not exactly 3 years is what I forgot to mention because it did recovered before somewhere around end of 2014. 

Then, Dr Ting explained to me about my pimples will need to take at least 6 months to recover. He provide me the medicines and inform me the medicine will have side effect, which is causing my lips very dry, also advice must drink more water, and if possible get a lip balm.

For fully recover, he can't promise or guarantee anything because my face have tooooo many pimples. Although my pimples will stop growing some days after taking the medicine in long term, but it will still have scar like ------ surface of moon. 😡 All I can do is be patient, once my pimples stop growing, I can consider to have laser in future, Dr Ding said to me,

Out of sudden, Dr. Ting ask me for my weight! I am 50 KG, *not sure how he calculate, but come out a number of 19.XX on calculator* For my face to fully recover, it will take a roughly 20 months and I have to take the medicine consistently during this period of time. ( this part is like, WHATTT??? why calculate using the weight? is it the more heavier I am the more hard to get rid of it?)

For my concern, I want to know whether the medicine will have the side effect for future pregnancy or hair fall or kidney stone or whatever. I accidentally ask is the medicine having any side effect? Nevertheless, I got an exactly same answer like before: "The medicines have side effect, it will keep your lips very dry, do you have lip balm?" In addition, he remark not to get pregnant when you take this medicine, if you want to get pregnant, stop for 1 month, then you can pregnant, no problem! 

Soon after, he let me know if I want to have better and faster result, can proceed with injection. Not thinking twice, I said OK! ( No doubt, I am very scared of any injection. Still, I choose to give a try.) 

I hereby confess the injection is not easy, and it is really painful for me. It is not by injecting antibiotic on your hand but poking into all your bump of face. Every! Each! Bump! My tears keep on coming out from my eyes when I am trying hard to calm down, I hold my fist really hard until my nail put the stamp on my palm for hours. Then this is how I look like after injection------ a Santa Claus that fall from somewhere? It is white outside, but when removing the cotton, it is full of blood and I have to tear it slowly to make sure it will not bleed again. 

One thing about injection, I found rashes on my both armpit during evening time when I reach home. Not sure about whether because the weather that day is quite hot and I am wearing long sleeve shirt. But this reminds me years ago, my rashes like eczema will appear when pimples go and it will go when pimples come. However, during these long period of time like 18 months, my pimples never go, so my eczema also never comes for quite some times. 

The overall consultation + injection + medicine + cleaner toner and gel cost RM 220. Without injection will be only RM 160 I guess, but I think the injection really did a miracle on my face as most of the big bump on my face shrink on the next day. My medicine only take once a day after dinner, it is not blue and green as most of the people receive, mine is pink! Cutie pink soft capsule with butter smell! My cleanser smell like Dettol green series body shampoo, the toner and pimple gel both smell choky like alcohol. But the difference is, when I apply alcohol on face, all my scar will get very painful but these toner and gel don’t. I dap the toner onto my face using my palm, it actually feels like applying moisturizer on face, it remains damp on my hands.

Below is the photo taken by day 1 and day 14. As results for 14 days, it doesn’t seem any much of big difference, maybe because my condition is way too serious? HAHA there is one thing my mom mentioned to me, there is a scar looks like "fire" in chinese word looks like not so obvious on day 14. Anyway, from visually I think not recover really much, from picture looks OK.

1. My period comes 4 days earlier, which is on 24th day. Doctor say this could be the effect of injection, but is normal, after few months face will be turning better.

2. Result to have skin problems like eczema under armpit, I believe this could be a reason of the injection as well, because I got it right after few hours of injection and I take this long two weeks still not yet fully recover.

3. Face become less oily, not sure is the result of medicine or pimples gel. But it looks good, without feeling dry and tight on face; just do not have the shining face thru out the day.

4. I did not feel lips dried or cracked during this 14 days, and I still have pimples popping out before my periods come. Not 1 pimples but more than 5, and they are all BIG!

Day 1 VS Day 14, can you see the difference? Honestly, I can't:(

I just hope my face can go back to my smooth like taufufa face like 3 years ago. Sorry for the long post, here’s a Taufufa (Soy Bean Custard).

Second Visit to Dr Ting Skin Specialist

On 22nd December, I paid a second visit for Dr Ding. As usual, long wait.

When is finally my turn, I just have a really short conversation with Dr. Ding, he check my face by touching those bump on face. "The result is good but still have some big one", he said. He continue with asking me whether I want to take the injection for faster recovery, but this time I had rejected it as it is too painful for me and I am scared if the skin problem comes back again.

He asked me to come back after 4 weeks which is 18th January 2017. I got one month supply for medicine, cleanser, toner and bigger tube of pimples gel as the last one I finished it within 10 days which suppose can use for 14 days. Total charges for second visit is RM 245.

Step 1 - Cleanser

from 50 ml for 2 weeks increase to 120 ml for 4 weeks

Step 2 - Toner

from half filled for 2 weeks increase to full bottle for 4 weeks

 Step 3 - Pimples Gel

I think this is 10 ml increase to 50 ml?

So far I had spent RM 460 here, not so sure it is too expensive or not. But one of my friend visit another famous skin specialist cost RM 300 for only one month supply medicine (30 pills). Cleanser and pimples gel cost for another few hundreds. I think that specialist is truly expensive compared to Dr Ting. However, I visit another doctor from Klinik Keluarga & Surgeri Damai at Klang Utama (Klang Utama is located at Klang, Selangor) last time during 2014 which is not famous but quite good also cost only RM 60 for 80 ml of cleanser and 2 tube of pimples gel ( day and night ), without taking any pills, the cleanser and gel can last about a month but I got really good result on the 3rd month after using his products. I am now regret for follow up with this doctor because I stop using his cleanser on 4th month ( Not listen to the doctor's advice). Then, my pimples come back slowly after half year and become seriously bad by now.

Below is the picture between June 2014 break out, visit the doctor somewhere around August 2014 and recovered during December 2014. If you want to have an affordable price, you can try out at Klinik Keluarga & Surgeri Damai at Klang Utama, but must remember not trying to be smart to stop any medicine by yourself without checking with your doctor.

Klinik Keluarga & Surgeri Damai at Klang Utama Reviews

Again, stay tuned for another 30 days to see the result from Dr Ding Skin Specialist!

Sorry , there is no another 30 days, here's the result after 1 year plus 
>>>>>How's My Face NOW??

Thursday, November 24, 2016

冲浪新体验 | Kuta Beach | Bali



在旅程的最后一天,我和Sue 下定决心一定要去学冲浪!

早晨7时,模糊地听到雨滴答滴答的打在我们的阳台,心里OS 着如果雨水持续地下着,冲浪可能就要因此而泡汤了。直到11时左右,天空终于放晴!我和 Sue 约了Alvin 一同到Kuta 沙滩探索冲浪课程。沙滩旁摆满了拉生意的摊子,第一档看见我们就说了“看在你们三人同行的分上,我给你们好的价钱,一人350,000 Rp ( 约 RM110 ) ”由于我们有听说过 Kuta 冲浪只须 90,000 Rp ( 约 RM30 ),就一口拒绝来到第二个档子问我们要多少前,最后答应给我们 90,000 Rp,可是在酒店的时候有上网查询资料看过有店面的,又只好继续寻找有关的学校。

终于找到有关课程,就位于Hard Rock Hotel 里头,可是价钱并非如同网上看到的 90,000 Rp 一整天包含储物柜,冲浪板,浴室和浴巾;而是 30 USD 包含2个小时课程,保险,储物柜和冲浪板,酒店的公用厕所只能更衣,并没有水管冲洗残留的沙(所以要在外头的水管冲洗干净再进厕所换干的衣服,Bali Learn to Surf 有提供免费载送回酒店)

Bali Learn to Surf 也提供冲浪衣服 (Rash Guard),物名简单来说就是避免在冲浪时晒伤和保护身体从冲浪板的摩擦而受伤。换上衣服,教练便带我们到人造沙滩的泳池讲解一些必备的知识和如何从站稳在平板上。讲解完,就马上进入真实课程啦~ >_<

头发卷卷的就是Bali Learn to Surf 的老板

走进滔滔的浪海里,好像在训练小腿大腿和腹部肌肉,每一步都是与浪抗行,大浪冲来的时候可以高过我的高度 (155cm),退出去的时候可以低过膝盖下。

当走到有浪潮的地方,教练会叫我们趴在板上,大浪来的时候会推我们一把,在叫我们站上来。前面的十多二十次都是吃水的结局,还没站就翻了~~ 每一次花很多时间走到浪潮,不到3秒就回到原点须重新对抗浪花走进大海,所以来来回回的耗了不少体力,短短的2小时就可以把我早上的杯面和一条巧克力饼干完全耗光。

潜水讲求浮力 (buoyancy) 而冲浪讲求平衡力 (balancing),很多时候都败在站起来的那一刻,一失去平衡就马上翻板,有时是站上来了,却平衡不了。所以教练都会一直留意我们站的姿势是否在中间,脚一定要稍微往下半蹲,眼睛一定要望前面哈哈哈 (眼睛往下看容易失去平衡,而且向前看才知道是否有人站在前方)


Bali Learn to Surf 价钱参考:

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Pine Tree Trail | Fraser Hill



11月5号,是Viper Challenge 的大日子,很多热爱极限运动的爱好者都纷纷的去参加这重大盛事,原本打算限制自己在一个月内乖乖待在家中,但对于新鲜事和物仍然按耐不住自己那颗贪玩的心,就在前天答应与James, Song 和 Miki 一同到彭亨洲的福隆港 (Fraser Hill) 登山。

福隆港位于雪兰莪和亨洲的交界附近是一座山,其实之前对这个问题有点迷惑感,为何位于靠近金马伦和云顶高原的Fraser Hill 叫福隆港而不是福隆山或福隆高原。后来才发现“港”字有两个读音,而带来两个不同的意思。福隆港原自一位Louis James Fraser在 1890 来此采矿,后来在 1922 年开始正式开放给其他人进入。久而久之,这里也慢慢的转换成游客的避暑胜地,这里有几条不同的爬山和通往瀑布路线,大概有7条吧。。最短的为Hemmant Trail,而最长的 Pine Tree Trail 需花一天的时间去探索。

港 (参考这

Pine Tree Trail 总共有三个打卡观点,第一个是 Pine Tree Hill (1448m),第二个是 Twin Peak (1505m) 和第三个叫 Gunung Semangkok (1824m)。从入口到Pine Tree Hill 是大概6公里路程,我们用了3个小时半,包括中途休息吃萨奇马。Pine Tree Hill 到Twin Peak 只有大概1.5公里路程,因为中途都有停留拍照,加上很多烂泥,我们花了45分钟到达。我----------完全不知道有Semangkok 的存在,起初还以为他们说去Twin Peak 只都是在开玩笑,怎知道竟然是来真的!后来回程时遇见两个马来人从 Semangkok 回来,他们只花了8个小时完成三个顶,说不到两句话,一下子又从我们眼前消失。。。

简单的叙说Pine Tree Trail

开始的一公里下山,第二公里上山,第三公里下山,第四公里上山,第五公里下山,第六公里攀爬大概有10米高或以上的岩石就会到苔藓森林,转左就到Pine Tree Hill。如果直走,就会经过有水流的地方,继续跟着路线走,看到一处单靠感觉都会大脑神经抽筋的大树倒下的地方,跨过不到10分钟就会到Twin Peak 的顶。一路上虽然没有任何标记,但是路线非常分明(但不要因为这句话而轻心,有几个地方的分叉路需要多加留意)。福隆港是与金马仑和云顶并排在一起,虽然最矮,但是大自然的植物生态仍然保持到最好的座山,所以请不要刻意地在树上打标记,也不要再留下或增加任何不属于山内的物品,尤其是塑料瓶和食物包装!!小时候有学自己跌倒自己爬,爬山请自己带来,自己带回!

跟着Jalan High Pines 的路牌
早上9点-----Pine Tree Trail 入口

这样的阶梯在开始的 2 km 很多




大概是第3公里路的小 U 转

感谢Song 的 “高热量” 零食



Pine Tree Hill 1,448 M 打卡

James: 我们没一起合照过
Song: 好吧,你不要摆Gwiyomi 的姿势?
James: 这样??


前往Twin Peak 的路



Twin Peak 1,505 M


来Pine Tree Hill 是带着平常心上来,因为这是第一次在完全没有找资料给自己心里准备下来爬山。Pine Tree Hill 有1500米高,而我们在大概1200米高的起点开始探险。前半段都在下山,重点还是下梯级,会一直一直的在下山,让你不知觉的认为山头其实就在山下,还没到山头就会一直想着如何折返。。

发现每座高山的特点,树根都爱长在地面上,时不时会让你踩空,还会一不小心让你滑倒或被勾到跌倒。但是大爱高山那冷冷的天气,还有如童话般的苔藓森林,森林里的特别花草树木都让我很想不断的去探索,去发掘。。但脑海里时时都会紧记着Take Nothing But Photograph, Leave Nothing But Footprint 大概翻译成“别带走什么,但带走照片;别留下什么,但留下脚印”。

像Mario 的增高蘑菇,其实是莱佛士花的亲戚!学名当场忘了

然而,这座山给我带来印象最深的名句---------就是“有下必有上”,别以为开始的那前半段只有下山就会到终点,下越多,就要预算前面的路会上更加多。原本天真的以为1200米到1500米就只是那300米(James 和 Song 都说很容易,看来以后他们的“容易”须三思再三思了哈哈哈),事实我来回总共集了1453米的上山纪录啊!!!意思说回程还是在爬上山,一开始觉得是我的记录出现问题,可能是记载错误(把海拔当成上山记录),才发现之前去金马仑苔藓深林的Gunung Irau 在海拔2000多米上只有250米的上山记录,而不是2000米,看到这数字才惊叹这旅程绝对不简单吖!!**尤其是回程是走到的没完没了的梯级**






这次爬山犯了最蠢的事,就算前晚刻意买的雨衣,最终留在James 的车厢,早上差的点遗漏的面巾,最终还是和雨衣一起待在车厢取暖。一路上稍微感觉到雨点,心里OS了好多轮,安慰告诉自己那是雾水,是叶子落下的露水,到Twin Peak 山顶的时候,雨点开始变大,正打算不管一切的淋雨时就瞬间地停了!第二次觉得幸好当天雨水都没放肆的大哭,不然接下来几天都应该要躲在被窝里然后酱油捞白粥了~

原本预计会在6-7个小时完成Pine Tree Hill 和 Twin Peak,事实上如果队伍里有我一样初级的爬山者,全程包括休息时间会耗8-9个小时。山里不会热,可是容易发冷的建议带上能够保暖的衣物和雨衣,因为我们在山里遇见几次的毛雨,都是忽然间有雨点,过5分钟就结束了,所以带上雨衣以避免忽然的倾盆大雨就糟糕了(毕竟我觉得我们当天也算是有幸运之神的眷顾,才没被淋的变落汤鸡)。11月和12月是雨季,不适合在这爬山。。。。严格来说是不可以进入,我们是偷渡客!忍者龟!奉劝大家请乎学习,因为我们是在完全不知情的情况下到达入口才发现禁止进入,又不想驾了两个多小时的车就这样折返,如果你有看到这里,绝对不可以犯同样的错误,因为雨季真的很危险,而且被抓到会吃“免费午餐”哦~


高人 | 矮人


终结 Pine Tree Trail -------有很多阶梯,也有很多需要举高脚跨过的大树根和树桐,更有不少需要靠臂力支撑以避免脚滑而严重跌伤的地方,松软的地面,部分泥巴路,部分石头路,来回都是不停的上山和下山,所以记得带多点热量高的食物补充体力。再冷的天气还是流了很多汗,建议一个人还是带上两瓶大瓶装 (3L) 或至少 2L 的水,水很重要!水很重要!水很重要!(重要的事情要说三遍!!)



Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hong Kong Trip 8天游香港和澳门 | 必去景点 | 必吃必喝

其实来之前听了很多人说八天实在太多了!通常香港澳门只须五天四夜就非常足够,可是我觉得八天都不够,还有很多地方没探索,以下是一年前我们八天游的景点。价钱我都记得不是很清楚,只是有记录到机票和行李来回一个人RM400, 住宿七个晚上三间酒店大概是RM500 (澳门的比较贵,最便宜的好像一晚RM400,一个人RM100),交通费大概RM200,澳门渡轮大概RM300,入门票大概RM500加上其它的都花在食物上大概RM1000。

港币对马币非常容易计算, RM 50 = HKD 100,可是那时到香港时刚好遇到马币大跌的时候,结果需要RM 60马币= HKD 100。换得皮包真伤,因为原本 RM 2,500 可以换 HKD 5,000,却变成 RM 2,500 换 HKD 4,166 (我的妈呀你知道港币800其实很多吗?TT)



由于是中午的班机,我们到达香港已经是下午5点。我们一人买了一张八达通(像马来西亚的Touch N Go可是更方便)定金 HKD 50 + 加值 HKD 100(过后用完了还有再加HKD 100)。除了我,每个人都机场买了一张7天5GB的电话卡以方便与家人联络 (其实是男朋友啦~ 我这单身狗加上要省下那100就干脆不买了!反正不是单独出游,不需要自己一个走,也不容易迷路)

从机场,我们搭Bus Express 到炮台山,车费一人 HKD 40。从机场到炮台山须两个小时,所以到我们宿舍时已经晚上10点,因为到站后有点小迷路,最后才终于找到我们入住的民宿。这家民宿是上网订购的,刚好房间2个双人床位,不需要和其他人共用房间,而且房间里还有厕所(重点是比想像中的还要大,因为很多人都形容香港的房间转身移动都会互相相撞,而我觉得我们入住的民宿价钱便宜,还有净水机和电脑使用)



1. 金華冰廳 Kam Wah - 喝最有名的奶茶

2. 女人街Ladies Street 

3. 花园街Fa Yuen Street

4. 砵蘭街 Portland Street - 拍招牌照

5. 玉器市场Jade Market

6. 波鞋街Shoes Street


7. 在油麻地警署前拍照

8. 庙街 和 庙街的夜市 Temple Street Night Market

9. 兴记菜馆 - 煲仔饭


10. 吃尽格式甜点和喝街边凉水



11. 湾仔Wan Chai - 艇仔粥

12. 海洋公园 Ocean Park

13. 维多利亚港Victoria Harbour

14. 薔紅特色茶餐厅 Rose Kitchen(灣仔莊士敦道194-204號灣仔商業中心1樓)


15. 坐叮叮巴士游城市


16. 泰昌饼家Tai Cheong Bakery


17. 兰芳园Lan Fong Yuen 

18. 中环至半山自动扶梯Central-Mid-Levels Escalator

19. 翠华餐厅Tsui Wah


那不是豆腐,是面包 (toast)~ 这个就好吃 =D

20. 星巴克冰室 Starbucks Bing Sutt


21. 九龙公园 Kowloon Park


22. 星光大道Avenue of Stars

23. 兰桂坊Lan Kwai Fong


24. 点点心Dim Dim Sum 


25. 搭渡轮到澳门


26. 玛嘉烈蛋塔Portuguese Egg Tart

澳门有两家最有名的蛋塔,一家是Lord Stow's 而另一家就是玛嘉烈,这家位于后巷的葡式蛋塔都是需要排队等新鲜出炉,我们买到的时候还烫得完全是咬不下的,内嫩外酥,到澳门一定要试吃!

27. 益顺牛奶公司 Milk Puddings - 双皮嫩奶

如果你喜欢鲜奶的味道,就一定要来这里最出名的益顺鲜奶。最出名是双皮奶和姜汁撞奶。(我本身就不是很接受的了啦~ 因为奶味比我想像中的来得超级浓~ )

28. Macau Street

29. 添发碗仔翅


30. 钜记饼家 Kui Gee Bing Ka

如果有看港剧就一定有看过这间饼家 哈哈哈,全澳门有超过20家吧?是游客必打卡的地方

31. 大三巴 Ruins of St. Paul’s


32. 澳门赌场 The Venetian



33. 澳洲牛奶公司Australia Dairy Company 


34. 上环Sheung Wan

35. 太平山 Victoria Peak /The Peak - 看夜景!

太平山位于552 米高,是香港岛上最高的顶。需要搭电巴到山顶,最好不要选在星期六或日,因为很!多!人!

36. 香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madamme Tussauds

37. 香港麦当劳 - 猪肉汉堡陪丝袜奶茶

爱麦当劳的我觉得到每个国家都要尝试当地的麦当劳,尤其是香港,因为这里有猪肉汉堡而且是搭配道地奶茶。(另外还发现这里的麦当劳价格比马来西亚便宜 >_<)

38. 香港摩天轮


39. 天星小轮 Star Ferry

从尖沙咀坐到中环天星码头,票价只需 HKD 2-3。


40. 深井陈记烧鹅 - 烧鹅腿


41. 搭香港迪史尼轻快铁 Hong Kong Disneyland

42. 天坛大佛Tian Tan Buddha


43. 宝莲禅寺Po Lin Monastery

44. 吃山水豆腐花



45. 赤柱市场道 Stanley Main Street

46. 赤柱监狱Stanley Prison

47. 星光潮州菜馆 - 吃潮州大眼鱼



48. Langham Place - 免税名牌

如果打算买名牌唇膏,包包,香水,衣服,鞋子一定要来打卡。对不起,我只是来这里吃早餐兼陪我的朋友买名牌 >_< 另外附近会有SASA,K MART,和不同的购物商店让你逛美容产品。(不适合我 哈哈哈哈)

49. 富豪雪糕


以上都是自由行,只供参考,有好的有不好的,请多多见谅。 =)